High Attainment

"Newquay Primary Academy is part of Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT). This means we are part of a team which knows the Newquay area well and has the strategies, capacity and track record required to overcome its particular educational challenges. CELT academies achieve results well above national averages. This is because our teachers and support staff, leaders, parents and future parents work together to ensure that every child can achieve their very highest potential – regardless of their background or starting point.

Behaviour and attendance

At Newquay Primary Academy we insist on good order and behaviour at all times. We are a values-based school. Our staff work hard to establish positive working relationships with the children in their care. They treat them fairly, giving every child an equal opportunity to take part in class activities. They follow our school policy with regard to discipline and classroom management, praising and rewarding pupils for good effort and, by so doing, help to build positive attitudes towards school and learning in general.

One of the most important things every child can do to achieve in school is also one of the most basic: attend school every day on time. At Newquay Primary Academy we have a strong culture of praise and reward linked to outstanding attendance. Our Education Welfare Officer leads our strategy for early intervention for attendance and engaging harder to reach parents. Our Parent Support Adviser engages parents, visits homes and assists in breaking down any barriers to attendance.

A strong leadership model

Newquay Primary Academy is part of Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT). CELT is a cross phase multi-academy trust. This distinctive aspect enables us to focus closely on ensuring that every child gets off to a flying start with aspirational and challenging targets, making rapid progress as they move through each phase of their education and avoiding performance dips and gaps at key transition points.

Standards across CELT are monitored by the Trust Lead. Newquay Primary Academy is led by our Executive Headteacher, who is accountable to the Trust Lead. Our Head of School is responsible for the operational day-to-day running of our academy and reports to the Executive Headteacher.

Our Head of School ensures there is a strong focus throughout on Quality First Teaching with targeted intervention in the basics for pupils who fail to meet the expected standard, or who face significant barriers.

Our Senior Leadership Team includes three Raising Standards and Transition Leaders who are responsible for pupil outcomes and monitoring standards. They are accountable, and report directly, to the Head of School. A key function of their role is to ensure that our leadership team has a clear and detailed picture of very child in the school. They establish baseline of achievement, set ambitious and aspirational targets, closely monitor progress towards targets, and write action plans for students that fail to make outstanding progress. They lead our teaching team, monitoring standards of teaching closely and outstanding practice. They also liaise closely with parents and external agencies.

Outstanding teaching and learning

Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum. It is designed around the needs of our cohort and the rigorous demands of the primary and secondary assessment frameworks. We provide a caring, supportive and stimulating school environment with outstanding teaching in order to foster:

  • A high level of English and Mathematics.
  • Enquiring minds and a thirst for learning and knowledge.
  • Independent young people who are confident, flexible and able to cooperate with others.
  • Imagination and creative expression through a wide range of media.
  • Conscientious young citizens of our multi-cultural society who are tolerant and respect others’ values.
  • Pride in achievement and a desire to succeed.
  • Effective links between the school, the child’s home and the community which promote aspiration and high expectations.
  • Equality of opportunity for all.
All children will secure firm foundations in the basics during their Reception year. The teaching of English and Mathematics is designed uniquely around the needs of every child. Every child will participate in high quality phonics sessions every day with an emphasis on active participation. They will learn to use their phonics knowledge in reading and writing activities and in their independent play. Daily Mathematics teaching is designed to ensure all pupils are fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics and can reason mathematically by following lines of enquiry and solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine problems.