How we Prioritise Reading

Newquay Primary Academy is proud of its provision of a progressive reading curriculum. We recognise that reading is an essential skill therefore, reading lessons are prioritised.

Reading is at the heart of our learning at Newquay Primary Academy. After our daily Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) lessons, we incorporate reading into our curriculum time. In EYFS, this takes the form of Discover & Do time. The children navigate different challenges, often having to read to complete tasks – such as ‘What do I have to add to the magic potion?’ and ‘What is the space alien asking me?’ The children love the reading challenges as they always have a fun purpose.

This progresses to a wide variety of reading opportunities throughout Key Stage 1.

The children also vote every day for which story we will have in storytime, which is linked to their Fundamental British Values learning on democracy. We have a wealth of specially chosen texts that develop a lifelong love of stories and non-fiction texts. The children will often act out our stories afterwards using puppets, our story telling box or songs and rhymes, which helps develop excellent language skills and encourages them to use new vocabulary.